Betekenis van:
satellite television

satellite television
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a television system in which the signal is transmitted to an orbiting satellite that receives the signal and amplifies it and transmits it back to earth




    1. all other television programme services and EEA satellite services.
    2. In Sweden, television is currently distributed through the terrestrial networks, through cable networks and satellite-delivered master antenna television systems (‘SMATV’), via satellite and via broadband.
    3. consists in the transmission for general reception of television programmes by satellite, and
    4. Satellite TV Receiver/Decoder (colour television receivers) (excluding with a screen, video tuners, video monitors, television projection equipment, with integral tube)
    5. Viasat is an integrated free- and pay-television operator which distributes programmes via the Sirius satellite platform.
    6. those television programme services and EEA satellite services which for the time being satisfy the qualifying conditions, and
    7. This category includes digital and terrestrial television subscriptions and the related services via cable, satellite or any other medium.
    8. Outside aerials for radio or television reception via satellite (including rotor systems) (excluding aerial amplifiers and radio frequency oscillator units)
    9. For the purpose of the live broadcasting of listed events the Act defines two categories of television programme services: those television programme services and EEA satellite services which for the time being satisfy the qualifying conditions (the first category) and all other television programme services and EEA satellite services (the second category).
    10. In the opinion of the German authorities, terrestrial television is not in direct competition but rather complementary to satellite and cable.
    11. All the currently commonly available transmission platforms, i.e. cable, satellite and terrestrial, have been or are affected by the transition from analogue to digital television broadcasting.
    12. For the purposes of this Part, television programme services and EEA satellite services shall be divided into two categories as follows:
    13. Even leaving aside terrestrial transmission, cable and satellite offer a large number of free-to-air television channels and are generally available.
    14. Outside aerials for radio or television reception (including rotor systems) (excluding for reception via satellite, aerial amplifiers and radio frequency oscillator units)
    15. Since 1997 it has broadcast TvDanmark2 through a network of 10 local commercial television stations and since 2000 it has broadcast a UK‐licensed satellite channel, TvDanmark1.